How to use Worry Stones
What is a worry stone?
Worry stones are smooth, polished stones that are used as a tool for stress relief and relaxation. Worry stones are sometimes used in complementary or alternative healing practices as a tool to promote relaxation and stress relief. It's believed that the repetitive motion of rubbing the stone between the thumb and fingers can activate pressure points in the hand, triggering a relaxation response in the body.
How do you use a worry stone?
To use a worry stone or flat stone, hold it in the palm of your hand and use your thumb to rub back and forth over its surface, repeating the action as needed to promote feelings of calm and relaxation. Some people find it helpful to focus on their breathing while using a worry stone, taking deep breaths in through the nose and exhaling slowly through the mouth. Additionally, some people choose to carry their worry stone with them in a pocket or purse, to have it readily available whenever they need it. Tumbled stones are ideal for pockets too.
When do you use a worry stone?
There are many amazing benefits to choosing a thumb stone or worry stone. Not only is there a psychological benefit to having a ready-made anxiety tool tucked away in your pocket, but the properties of worry stones can be as simple as providing a pleasant and soothing sensation when touched, which can distract a busy or unfocused mind. Here are some more ideas on when to use your worry stone:
Stress - The tactile nature of a worry stone can help alleviate stress and high tensions as it provides a physical point to direct and shift energy. Howlite is a great option here.
Grounding - When you are want to be grounded, having a physical object that you can see and touch is a great way of being present. Carnelian crystal assists in holding you steady whilst bring gentle acceptance.
Release - turning a stone over in your hand can trigger a pressure point response which sends signals to the brain and allows for the release of endorphins. We love Dalmatian Jasper as our crystal for joy, happiness and puppy-like playfulness.
Distraction - Similar to fidget toys, holding something in your hands assists in distracting the body and the mind. This can be very helpful when dealing with constant worry, as it can give your mind and nervous system a much-needed break. Try using Rhodonite - known as 'the releaser'.
Avoidance of bad habits - Using a worry stone can also provide a distraction when it comes to bad habits. Whether it's cigarettes or indulging in a few too many drinks, re-directing your attention instead to the worry stone, you can break the habit cycle. Consider using Amethyst. It has been used since ancient times for those who were prone to indulging!
What is the best crystal for a worry stone?
The best crystal worry stone to use is the one you are drawn to! Listen to your needs and select a crystal that has the best metaphysical properties to guide you through. Remember, to focus on the positive - what do you need more of as apposed to focusing on the problem or area of lack. We do not want to unintentionally manifest more of what we don't want. Most importantly, go gently with yourself.