Sage Smudge Stick Small
Sage Smudge Stick Small
Sage: Cleanse | Empower | Protect
Wave those bad vibes goodbye! Sage smudging sticks are used to clean and purify your house or crystals. Use white sage when you feel the need to shift negative energy, cleanse crystals or as part of a full moon ritual. Traditionally, saging is known to increase wisdom, clarity and spiritual awareness as well as replacing negative energy with positivity.
To use a smudging stick, light the sage and blow out any flames. Allow the smoke to drift around your crystals, home or body. You can move around your house from room to room making sure to get up high and into corners. You can chant a positive affirmation whilst doing this. If you prefer less smoke, you can also try our loose leaf sage kits or our other cleansing tools.
Sold individually.
Make sure to take precautions when using fire/smoke around the house and people.
All crystal properties are metaphysical in nature and they can be used alongside but do not replace medical advice.